If you are in the Mid Michigan area below are some additional resources that are available.
Angels of Hope: provides a variety of services to Michigan children affected by cancer and their families including financial assistance, homebound tutors, and Christmas sponsorship.
Camp Casey: offers Horsey House Calls, Cowboy Campouts, and Outlaw Outings.
Horsey House Calls: they bring a horse to the child’s home on a designated date and time, often as a surprise for the child; the family may arrange to have other family members and friends present for the food and crafts, all supplied by Camp Casey. They are able to serve 3-4 Lansing-area kids/year from April-October.
Cowboy Campouts: families can experience an overnight mini-vacation at a dude ranch resort in Rothbury, Mich. Planning and expenses associated with the trip are completely taken care of by Camp Casey.
Outlaw Outings: Camp Casey funds an adventure such as a bowling party, an apple orchard/pumpkin patch event, a professional sports game, ice skating, or a theater performance for up to 20 participants.
Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan: provides information, financial assistance, and emotional support to families affected by leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood disorders including aplastic anemia, Fanconi’s anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloproliferative disorders, and multiple myeloma; families can call 800-825-2536 or visit the website for an application for assistance.
Michigan Crusade 4 kids (C4K): Created in 2012, Michigan Crusades for Kids is a federally registered nonprofit charity that provides local children affected by life-threatening illnesses with adventure-based activities and special events. Police, fire and military members are the core of the Michigan Crusades for Kids team. We’ve created fun events! Helicopter rides, Ferrari race track events, skydiving, fire truck rides, bomb squad exhibitions, hospital parties and visits.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan: grants wishes to children with life-threatening conditions between the ages of 2½ and 18. There is an online referral form and there will need to be provider verification and approval forms filled out to allow the wish to be fulfilled.
Oldham Kids: offers free, personalized photo sessions for kids with cancer and other life-threatening conditions and gives complete CD of photos, proofs, plus some free prints to families with a signed release.
The Rainbow Connection: grants wishes to Michigan kids with life-threatening conditions who are between the ages of 2½ and 18 and who have not received another wish. Wishes can be large or small. The Rainbow Connection also offers financial assistance and entertainment opportunities. Each year, they also award two $1,000 college scholarships.
Wigs 4 Kids: provides custom-fitted wigs and partials for oncology patients or other children with alopecia; the organization also offers self-esteem workshops in the St. Clair Shores area.
There is also a grieving tab with a few sites available. I felt a need to add this option to this site and will continue to add more information to this section as well.
Michigan based programs for hospice and grieving:
Art for Charlie: can assist with pediatric hospice funding and end-of-life resources for children and their families.
Ele’s Place: offers support groups and play therapy for kids and teens from 3-18 years of age who are grieving.